“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” — Miuccia Prada/CEO

About The Store

I’m Heba Barzak, and my journey with cooking began in my mother’s kitchen, where I learned the art of Palestinian cuisine. Over the years, I also mastered Egyptian cuisine, inspired by everyone I met who left a culinary impression on me. I have always paid meticulous attention to detail, experimenting and refining my recipes until I achieved the perfect taste and presentation always being my own toughest critic. This passion led me to create Tepsiniz, my small business where I offer quick-to-prepare Palestinian dishes alongside a selection of meals inspired by global cuisines. My love for cooking, which has been growing for years, found its way to the world in 2021 through my Instagram page, @heba.barzak.kitchen. The overwhelming positive feedback from my audience encouraged me to take this step, making this project feel like my fourth child. I truly believe that cooking is the purest expression of love. Every chef adds a unique touch from their soul to their dishes. Through the people who have come and gone in my life, and those who remain by my side, I have learned to cook with love and now, I share that love with you.

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Aliquam hendrerit ex arcu, nec sagittis ligula porta eu. Ut ex leo, suscipit sit amet augue sed, laoreet congue ex. Morbi ornare mi a rutrum scelerisque. Aenean vulputate viverra pharetra.

Proin scelerisque in ante eget vehicula. Sed tempus lectus id nibh porttitor porttitor. Pellentesque nec quam ac felis finibus vehicula sed sed nunc.